A LOCAL woman who has been in self-isolation since the lockdown began has expressed her gratitude for a Covid-19 volunteer who has ‘put herself at risk’ to help vulnerable people in her neighbourhood.

The Llandough Mutual Aid Group, which takes its name from a national movement of support networks, is one of several support groups which have been established in Penarth to support vulnerable people during the Covid-19 epidemic.

Jo Byworth Morgan, who has lived in Llandough for seven years, established the group last month to create a ‘crucial support system’ in the community.

One resident who has benefited from the group’s efforts is Tracey Scott, who has been in self-isolation for over a week since she began to feel unwell.

Her son, who has asthma, is vulnerable to complications caused by Covid-19.

“The volunteer group has been amazing”, said Tracey.

“It was set up before the government called for volunteers and Julie Bakshi was my contact – a leaflet was posted through my door with her name and phone number on it.

“After becoming unwell I contacted Julie and today she went to the chemist to collect my prescription.

“I would not be able to manage without these drugs and am so grateful that such a kind brave person was able to do this for me.

“Julie put herself in danger to help a person that she had not met before”.

Tracey sent a photograph of a message she wrote to thank her volunteer, Julia Bakshi, who covers 80 properties in Llandough – including a block of 28 flats.

She wrote: “Thank you! You are unbelievably kind to put yourself at risk to bring my meds to me.

“Stay safe and hope to thank you properly one day”.

Julia said: “One of the ladies I visit sent a photograph of a card she wrote for me. People have been amazingly thankful.

“Groups like this are invaluable. It worries me that an NHS voluntary service will take it away from the grassroots.

“But you’ve got to leave the grassroots community ones because we’ve already established a platform.”

Julia went on to describe her work as a volunteer: “Today I collected three prescriptions for elderly people and some nappy cream for a pregnant lady with a toddler who is self-isolating.

“It’s the most bizarre bit of shopping I’ve ever done because you don’t see anyone.

“The streets in Penarth are really quiet. Car parking is no challenge because there’s nobody there”.

To request assistance or offer support, contact: LlandoughMutualAid@gmail.com, or visit the Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/groups/216736309441390/

You can request assistance from Helping Hands Penarth, which can be found at: www.facebook.com/groups/207933657118081/