BY NOW even the most fanatic supporter of the Welsh Assembly must be starting to realise that the thing is an unmitigated disaster for the people of Wales.

The 18 assembly members who lost their seats in the recent elections received a ‘parachute fee’ of some £825,000 between them whilst many Welsh schools, hospitals and other state run organisations are desperate for cash.

Our first minister called for Wales to remain part of the EU whilst the majority of voters decided they want to leave but, unlike our prime minister, he has decided not to resign.

Many Tories now recognise the error of their ways in supporting this political and national disaster, with Henry Hill writing on the Conservative home website: “The leader of the Welsh Conservatives in the Assembly has written that the anti-establishment mood which drove Brexit might sweep away the Welsh Assembly too.

“At May’s elections a separate party, Abolish the Welsh Assembly Party, took 4.4 per cent of the regional vote.”

Abolish The Welsh Assembly Party achieved this from a standing start with next to zero press coverage.

Then there is the management of the River Wye, one of Britain’s most beautiful water courses which needs careful monitoring to ensure that it remains that way.

However, Natural Resources Wales had decided to make this almost impossible by dividing up its management so that one team looks after one side and another looks after the other.

So next time there is a problem how will we know who needs to investigate? That’s right; we won’t.

I can guarantee that whichever team you contact they will tell you to contact the other.

Jonathon Harrington


Abolish The Welsh Assembly Party